
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Make your own perfume oil for imbibing warmth and cheer in this holiday season

Create a special perfume oil to remain warm and full of cheer in the holiday season ahead. This oil can be dabbed  on the wrists and behind the ears and also rubbed on your hands so its aroma stays close to you and you can inhale constantly.

Blend 10 ml Til oil infused with Cloves and Cinnamon and add 2 drops of Lavender Essential Oil  
To infuse clove and cinnamon please see earlier post

The blend will acquire a sweet, warm and liberating aroma overnight. It would help in invoking feelings of renewal and fresh energy. It also gets absorbed through the energy field around you. Notice any changes in your perceptions, efforts and outcomes as you go about your tasks prior to and during the New Year.

Pls report your observations.

Makes a superb gift as a massage oil, when bottled in a pretty glass bottle with a piece of rope tied around its neck for the label.

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